calm: adj.1.(海洋、天气等)安静的,平静的。2.(人)平稳的;镇定的,沉着的。3.〔俚语〕恬不知耻的,若无其事的,脸皮厚的。n.1.平静,镇定。2.零级风,无风,风平浪静。短语和例子a calm before the storm 暴风雨来前的无风[平静]时期。vt.,vi.(使)平静下来,(使)镇定,(使)沉着,(使)从容。 Calm yourself. 请别激动。 cal
Clinical observation on 57 cases of acute encephalorrhagia with hypertension treated with calming the endopathic wind and resolving phlegm methods 熄风化痰法治疗高血压急性脑出血57例临床观察
Therapeutic observations on treatment of 30 cases of hypertension due to abundant phlegm - dampness by resolving phlegm tranquilizing and calming the endopathic wind 化痰安神熄风方治疗老年痰湿壅盛型高血压病30例疗效观察